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Staying up-to-date with the latest threats and best practices can be a daunting task in the rapidly evolving field of cybersecurity. As cybercriminals continue to refine their tactics and techniques, it is crucial for organizations to implement robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard their data, systems, and reputation. That’s why organizations are increasingly using framework mapping to align their vendors’ security controls with their own.

Framework mapping enables organizations to compare and contrast the security controls employed by their vendors with their own security framework. By doing so, organizations can proactively identify areas of overlap or gaps in security controls. By working with their vendors, organizations can mitigate risks posed by potential cyber threats before harm occurs.

Cybersecurity Frameworks Explained

Cybersecurity frameworks are sets of guidelines and best practices designed to help organizations identify, assess, and mitigate cybersecurity risks. Frameworks provide organizations with a structured approach to cybersecurity while ensuring the necessary controls are in place to actively safeguard their data and critical systems. Additionally, frameworks can assist organizations in complying with regulatory requirements and industry standards.

What are Security Controls?

Cybersecurity controls are specific measures and strategies used to mitigate the risk associated with threats, like unauthorized access, theft, damage, and more. Cybersecurity controls take various forms, including Preventive, Detective, Corrective, Administrative, and Technical controls.

Top Security Frameworks

Industry experts have identified several accepted frameworks, including the ISO 27001, NIST Cybersecurity Framework, and CIS Critical Security Controls, as some of the top frameworks available for organizations to utilize.

ISO 27001 Framework

ISO 27001 is an internationally recognized standard for information security management. It provides a framework for implementing and maintaining an effective information security management system (ISMS) that protects the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of an organization’s information assets. The standard specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an ISMS. The standard follows a structured Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, which is a continuous improvement model for managing and enhancing the effectiveness of the ISMS. Key components of ISO 27001 include Risk Assessment & Management, as well as Policies & Procedures.

NIST Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF)
NIST provides a widely recognized set of guidelines for managing and reducing cybersecurity risk. The framework offers organizations of all sizes and types a flexible, risk-based approach to managing cybersecurity. NIST’s CSF manages risk using its five core functions: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover.

The CIS Critical Security Controls
The CIS Critical Security Controls is another popular framework that provides a prioritized set of actions to protect organizations against the most common cyber-attacks. The framework comprises 18 controls arranged in a specific order for the most effective protection against cyber threats. Controls are categorized into three groups: Basic, Foundational, and Organizational controls.

Framework Mapping

Framework mapping involves mapping an organizations existing security controls, policies, and procedures to the requirements of the framework being used. For example, NIST CSF mapping involves comparing existing cybersecurity controls, policies, and procedures to its five core functions. For any framework, the mapping process helps organizations identify gaps and areas of weakness in their cybersecurity program and prioritize efforts to address these gaps.

Third-Party Vendor Assessment & Framework Mapping

To effectively mitigate cyber risk, organizations must adopt a structured and systematic approach, and security frameworks can provide a useful roadmap. While each framework provides its own comprehensive guidelines for managing cybersecurity risk, organizations may find it beneficial to align with multiple security compliance frameworks. Many frameworks are complementary. Organizations can build robust risk mitigation processes that encompass a broad spectrum of risks by aligning with multiple frameworks.

To ensure that vendors are complying with common cybersecurity controls, organizations can use security assessment tools like myCYPR. The platform integrates the NIST and CIS frameworks into its security assessment evaluations, ensuring alignment with top security frameworks. These frameworks guide the areas of assessment while measuring compliance to these standards. Assessment results highlight areas of non-compliance with framework requirements and provide remediation recommendations detailing how to meet each control’s requirements. myCYPR’s continuous monitoring provides ongoing insight of framework mapping and alignment.

Ready to learn more about myCYPR’s assessments and framework mapping? Request a demo today for more information.

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